Women's Centre Christchurch

Unit 3, 242 Ferry Rd, Waltham, PO Box 13 054, Armagh, Christchurch 8141
242 Ferry Road Christchurch Canterbury 8011 NZ

The Centre was initially established as a community link for Women’s Refuge, where women leaving Refuge could obtain ongoing support and resources. Since the mid-nineties, with Refuges starting their own community support, the Centre’s client base has opened up, with a wide range of women now accessing our services.  For many women the Centre is a place to gather information, work through difficult issues, be supported, learn, and or rest before going out into the wider world again.

We have extensive networking contacts, and if we cannot assist you with any of our specialised services we can provide information/links to appropriate agencies and organisations that can give further assistance.

The Centre is registered as a charitable entity under the Charities Act 2005 under registration number CC10043.