Canterbury Charity Hospital Trust

349/351 Harewood Road, Christchurch 8054
351 Harewood Road Christchurch Canterbury 8053 NZ

The Canterbury Charity Hospital Trust was established by the community, for the community in 2007. Over the years many doctors, nurses, dentists, health professionals and public-spirited people have volunteered their time and expertise to help make the charity hospital a success and enable us to provide our services for free. Our patients come from throughout Canterbury within the Canterbury DHB area. We do not receive any Government funding and rely on donations, grants and the generosity of the wider community to continue helping Cantabrians in need.

The East wing of the hospital was opened in 2007 to provide day surgery facilities and medical clinics. Due to the changing needs of the Canterbury community following the 2010/11 earthquakes, a new two storey and larger West wing was added to provide additional theatre space, an endoscopy unit, a dental unit, more consulting rooms and educational/research facilities.

Many people in the community help with the day-to-day running of the hospital. Together, we can all make a huge difference to the health and wellbeing of our community as a whole.